Education Loan for CS Students. Hi CS Friends ICSI Issued Latest Notification for Education Loan for CS Students. Here we provide all information for Education Loan for CS Students. Check all details from Below.
Dear Student,
We wish to inform you that the Institute of Company Secretaries of India (ICSI) signed an MOU with the Canara Bank to facilitate Education Loans to the students pursuing Company Secretaryship Course.
The loan scheme will mainly cover the tuition fee, purchase of books, examination fees, study tours, reasonable living expenses and laptop etc. to arrive at the total cost of the course.
The loan facility is need based facility and a maximum of Rs. 10 lac would be allowed by the bank. Loan is given jointly to the student and parent /guardian.
The repayment commences One year after completion of the course or Six months after getting employment, whichever is earlier.
Students intend to avail the loan facility may visit the Canara Bank branch nearest to the place of permanent residence of the parent / guardian. For detailed terms & conditions, please visit